Magnum Telecom

Official website :
Address : Delta 6, 18 – 20 Rue Tronchet, 69006 Lyon, France
Phone : 06 07 69 11 86, 07 68 345 678
Email :

Legal status : Magnum Telecom was a french company founded in 2005 that disappeared in 2019. Their activities continue through another french company, DELTA 6, founded in 2017. They still use the name Magnum Telecom as a business name.
Clients : A document shows that Magnum Telecom participated as an exhibitor to Milipol Paris 2013, a trade exhibition dedicated to the internal security of States. This indicates that they have clients among governmental and law enforcement agencies.
Products : Tracking surveillance devices. Their current website does not give many informations about their products. An archived version of their website dated from 2018 lists their GPS trackers, including some incomplete technical specifications.