Official website :
Address : 27, avenue de Paris 78000 Versailles – France
Phone : +33 (0)1 39 25 03 75
Email :

Legal status : French company founded in 1995, registered as “Groupe Sécurité Service Industrie”.
Clients : Governments and law enforcement agencies (according to their website). In their 2019 catalog (which used to be available on their website) they listed several french law enforcement agencies as their clients : “Gendarmerie Nationale”, “Préfecture de police”, “Direction de la police judiciaire”.
Products : Audio and video surveillance systems. Their 2019 catalog (which used to be available on their website) contains pages that describe their covert audio and video surveillance systems. Back when their catalog was still available, we created a document from these pages. This document can be accessed here.