
Official website : wireonair.com
Address : WireOnAir A/S, Brogårdsvej 70, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark
Phone : +45 3927 6860
Fax : +45 3927 6868
Email : info@wireonair.com

Legal status : Company based in Denmark, founded in 2005 and registered as WireOnAir A/S.
Clients : Governmental agencies, according to the description of their company that comes with their registration as an exhibitor at the Security & Policing 2020 event, a trade exhibition event for companies in the security and defense industries.
Products : Audio and video surveillance devices. According to the description of their company on the website of the british company David Horn Communications, WireOnAir markets “highly specialized […] miniature audio and audo/video equipment”. Their own website does not give any description of their products.