Gamma Group

This company is also listed on : Bugged Planet, Wikipedia (en)

Official website :
Address : ?
Phone : +44 7801497916 (according to the description of their company as a member of the Covert Technology Suppliers Forum)
Email :

Legal status : British and german company known for selling surveillance software to “undemocratic regimes”. Gamma Group is a very close partner to the german company Elaman.
Clients : Law enforcement agencies and governments (according to their website).
Products : Large range of surveillance systems. A lot of documents from the Spy Files (a large collection of documents leaked from 2011 to 2014 by Wikileaks) dated from 2011 describe their products, including catalogs and technical specifications. A specific page details the surveillance devices marketed by Gamma Group / Elaman.

An analysis of the company has been published in september 2020 by the dutch research agency Buro Jansen & Janssen.