
Official website : elkron.it
Address : Via Bologna, 188/c, 10154 Torino, Italy
Phone : +39 011 398 67 11
Fax : +39 011 398 67 03
Email : info@elkron.it

Legal status : Italian company founded in 1974. In 2012, Elkron became a subsidiary of the italian company Urmet.
Clients : Their products were found surveilling an occupied house in Italy, which indicates that they are probably used by law enforcement agencies.
Products : Video surveillance systems. Their online catalogue (italian) lists the surveillance devices they market, including miniature cameras under “Videosorveglianza > Sistemi analogici > Appariti di ripresa > Telecamere speciali”, including incomplete technical specifications and pictures.

Their 2010 video-surveillance catalog is available. It describes their surveillance devices, including miniature cameras on pages 26-28, including technical specifications and pictures.

Found devices : In june 2014 in Genoa, Italy, three of their miniature cameras were found hidden in the small streets around an occupied house. This case is listed in our list of examples of found surveillance devices, including front and back pictures of the cameras.