
Official website :
Address in Turin : Via G. da Verrazzano, 42, 10129 Torino, Italy
Address in Rome : Via Aurelia, 480, 00165 Roma, Italy
Address in Milan : Via Fucini, 4, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo, MI, Italy
Phone : +39 011 5683200 (Turin), +39 06 66017768 (Rome), +39 02 84171524 (Milan)
Email :,,,

Legal status : Italian company founded in 1960. According to an archived version of a page of their website, in 2012 they acquired the company Gruppo TRS.
Clients : Law enforcement agencies and government agencies, accoding to a page of their website.
Products : Audio and tracking surveillance devices. According to a page of their website, “a key area of [their] activity is small-sized audio surveillance and tracking systems”.

Found devices : In february 2014 in Turin, Italy, a surveillance device marketed by the company Gruppo TRS (which had been acquired by Atec two years before) was found in the street, in front of the squat Asilo Occupato. This case is listed in our list of examples of found surveillance devices, including a picture that show the logo of Gruppo TRS on the device.