
Official website :
Address : MXP Business Park, Via Gabriele d’Annunzio, 2, 21010 Vizzola Ticino (VA), Italie
Phone : +39 0331 710 000 (italian), +39 0331 710 001 (english)
Fax : +39 0331 710 100

Legal status : Italian company founded in 1996.
Clients : Law enforcement agencies. Accord to the about page of their website, the focus of the company is on “lawful enforcement agencies”.
Products : Tracking surveillance devices. The product page of their website doesn’t give a lot of informations about their products.

An available document describes a tracking surveillance system marketed by the company called MCR TRACER. According to this document, the company markets tracking surveillance systems “installed on vehicles or others moving Objects, allowing Law Enforcement Agencies to acquire relevant data concerning vehicles movements: history and real-time monitoring, date and time of all movements, average speed, real-time localization on maps, etc”.