Aaronia AG

Official website : aaronia.com
Address : Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG II, (Dorfstraße 10a), DE-54597 Euscheid, Germany
Phone : +49(0)6556 9019 355
Fax : +49(0)6556 93034
Email : mail@aaronia.de

Legal status : German company founded in 2003. They have subsidiaries and partner companies in China, Greece, Iran, Israel, Poland, Taiwan, Turkey, Russia, and the United States. The list of these subsidiaries and partner companies is available on an archived version of their contact page, dated from 2018.
Clients : Law enforcement agencies and governments. According to an archived version of a page on their website, dated from 2018, their clients include several governmental and law enforcement agencies in Belgium, Germany, Australia, the United States and other countries.
Products : Surveillance and counter-surveillance equipment, including one GPS tracker. The GPS tracker they market is described on a page of their website, including technical specifications.