Official websites : (in italian), (in english)
Office address : Via La Valle 51, 10099 San Mauro Torinese (TO), Italy
Warehouse address : Via Sineo 7/5, 10100 Torino (TO), Italy
Phone : +39 011 19821054, +39 011 19118317
Email :,,,
Legal status : Italian company founded in 1996, registered as Digital Surveillance Equipment.
Clients : Law enforcement agencies. According a page on their website, some of their products are designed for “police and detectives“.
Products : Video surveillance devices. Their official website list their surveillance devices under the “SPY” tab, including technical specifications and pictures. A page on their website also allows downloading the user manuals of all of their products.
Found devices : In june 2019 in Cuneo, Italy, a surveillance device marketed by DSE was found outside, during a gathering in front of a jail. This case is listed in our list of examples of found surveillance devices, including a picture showing that a digital video recorder of model DK-PV500E, marketed by DSE, was part of the surveillance device.